Okay since I did the post on toys, I now want to do a post
on my other favorite topic – GAMES!
I love a good board game. Not the super long, super strategic,
heavyweight “gaming” games – but quick, lightweight strategy games are totally my
I’m trying to think of my top ten favorite games (I think this may be what it
feels like when people try picking their favorite child).
But here it goes (in no particular order – because that would be WAY too hard):
An excellent tile placement game. I love this one because I think it spans all
ages and ability levels. Young kids can understand the simple mechanics but
there’s enough depth involved to not just hold an adult’s attention, but makes
them want to come back for more - we almost always play it more than once in a
sitting. (Plus there are a variety of expansions to choose from should you want
to include them). Pretty much all the adults here are always down for a game of
Carcassonne (and we definitely can’t say that about many games). it’s a
relatively quick game, very easy to explain, and most notably, set up takes
about 30 seconds. 2 thumbs up for sure!
I have to admit I judged this game by its cover so it took me awhile before I
looked into it much. After seeing it recommended again and again it started to
pique my interest. I was happy to see my aunt brought it to Idaho for our Girls
Weekend in March. I fell in love the second I played it. (I also won the second
time I played it haha). I immediately regretted not buying it when I had seen
it go on sale because I had to wait many months for another good enough price!
It’s a card drafting and set collection game and honestly might be my very
favorite (an always changing target). Also, it’s almost scary how
silent the game usually is as we are all deep in thought, strategizing for
our future in jewels.
I love abstract games and I also love dice games so this one really speaks to
me. Plus, I super love the puzzle-y element that this one includes. It’s definitely
a think-y game, but since it’s paired with dice (aka LUCK) it makes for a fun
(and frustrating) combination. At its simplest, just completing your grid
(puzzle) with the rolls of the dice, adhering to placement rules, is a feat on its
own, but then throw in the play order and trying to get what you need before
someone takes it, tool cards and secret objectives that are different each game
and even the strategy of choosing the grid (puzzle) to complete in the first
place just adds more layers of greatness.
This one also has a solid solo variation. Highly Recommend.
Another abstract strategy game with tile placement and set collection. It’s similar
to Sagrada but different enough to be worth having both (in my opinion). There’s
more player interaction in Azul – for better or for worse; as you can more easily
strategize to change the course for your opponents, compared to Sagrada which
is much more of a multi-player solitaire game.
I’ve had this one a lot longer and therefore played it more times, it’s just a
really solid one. It’s simple enough to grasp, but the more you think about it
the more complex it becomes. It requires planning ahead while also adapting to
an ever-changing game state, with a little luck mixed in.
A card drafting, tile placement game. I initially got this one to play with my
nephew, but Rachel, Mariah and I play it all the time ourselves
(and actually I haven’t even played it
with Stanley yet – he mostly prefers playing games he’s already played and not
new ones). It’s quick (and another
30 second set-up game #veryimportanttome) and has a good amount of strategy. (Ha,
and also spatial reasoning which was hard to adjust to in the beginning). I
love that it is like a new puzzle to solve each time, and you always need to
adjust your approach for the tiles that become available on your turn. It’s another
one that appears simple but has enough depth for adults. I also have and love
Queendomino, but sometimes simpler is better, you know? But I love them so much
I recently purchased the Age of Giants expansion – but haven’t played it yet. I’ll
report back. (They also have a kids version – Dragomino,
that’s also fun and Gordon who is 3 and not super into games can play that one
This is another abstract strategy one that I just love. It is just a nice, quick,
relaxing, visually satisfying good game. It’s one that if you’re not careful
you may just end up making some non-competitive choices just for visual
satisfaction. (haha, that would be me – I often just cannot help it. And yet I
never regret it). It’s hard to be mad about losing this one – it just puts you
in a good mood. It’s a
very light strategy game that is definitely worth
it in my opinion!
Also there is a pretty strong first player advantage so we’ve come up with some
good house rules to mitigate that a little. (only having one card at a time; or
picking 3 but not refilling your hand until you’ve played all your tiles).
We’ve also just used the pieces to see if
we can match all the vines.
A tetris-like speed puzzle game. Another one that is fun for all ages (a great
family game!). There is definitely an advantage for whoever finishes their
puzzle first (and second in a 3+ player game), but they tried to throw in some curve
balls (read: luck) with the scoring by also picking gems/points from a blind
bag, this somewhat evens the playing field from being a straight up race and
makes it more fun for kids to play along and not feel like they are being
obliterated the whole time. But if you’re
playing with vastly different ages and stages, the younger ones may not be that
competitive. That being said, my 7-year-old nephew has genuinely solved many of
the puzzles faster than me.
Double Ditto

Okay while we’re on the subject of family games, I’ll add Double Ditto. We are
always on the lookout for good games that lots of players (like 5-12) can play
at once that are fun for a wide range of ages (like 6-60). This one fits the bill.
We grew up playing Scattergories, and while that one will always have a place
in my heart, I think I like Double Ditto more. They are similar in gameplay,
but are actually more like opposites. In Double Ditto you want to write what other
people write and alliteration doesn’t matter (making it much easier for the
first and second grade crowd to enjoy). It’s very simple: read a category card aloud
and everyone writes down 2 things in that category. Truly, sometimes simple is
best. And this one is definitely simple without being boring. It’s also much
less competitive than Scattegories (we’ve had some epic arguments over the
years – and thus had to implement the infamous “vote with your fingers, not
your mouth!”) But Double Ditto always brings laughs and you really get to see
how different everyone’s brains are. Such a good one!!
Word on the Street
I always love a good word game and right now this one is my favorite! It’s a 2
team word party game – making it a great one for large families/gatherings (we’ve
played it as just a 2 player game as well as up to 8 people – you potentially
could do more, but more isn’t always merrier). Plus it’s simple to play and
explain (and it’s great for spelling practice!) This game is unique because you
have to think about all the letters a word contains to maximize your turn, so it’s
much more strategic than many word recall games, but you also aren’t completely
limited to specific letters like in Scrabble or Upwords. The best of both worlds! Having a big
vocabulary is helpful, but not as helpful as quickly coming up with lots of
things in your category to choose the best one for the current state of the game.
A sand timer adds stress, but also moves the game along as turns are only 30
seconds. It’s the perfect mash-up of a word recall/trivia-like, word, party
And let’s just give a shout out to our honorable mention: Bananagrams - because
that’s just a classic (and totally closed the door on Scrabble and Upwords for
me because it's similar but SO MUCH more enjoyable I never want to play the other ones).

Very surprisingly, not a lot of quick category trivia/word recall games are on
this list yet. We will remedy that now! Word recall is probably my favorite
type of party game, and Anomia is such a good one. For one, it’s quick and
simple both to explain and to play; and two, there is absolutely no down time. While
there is a turn order for flipping cards into your pile, everyone is essentially
playing at the same time and you always have to be paying attention. When the
symbol on your card matches the symbol on someone else’s card, which can happen
at any time, you two are in a face off and must say something in the category
on the other person’s card before they say something from the category on your
card. It always brings the laughs and you may end up surprised at what your
brain knows that your consciousness didn’t. Or why a random color comes out of
your mouth when you’re supposed to be saying a cereal name. I think its sweet
spot is between 4-6 players, but can be played with more if needed.
Forbidden Desert
I love the whole Forbidden series trio, but this one remains my favorite. We all
need a good cooperative game in the mix. This one has some set collection
aspects and each player has a role with special powers/advantages that I enjoy.
While vey similar in mechanics to
Forbidden Island, there are other elements that make it more complex – like
multiple ways to die! Plus there is an always- shifting board which always
keeps things interesting and challenging. It took a couple game plays before we
even won for the first time – in a 3+ player game, we rarely win if we don’t
have the water guy.
This one and Yahtzee I just can’t not include on any favorites list. This one
was my favorite game for… I think my whole life? (the only other games that I can think of that could have competed for a season would be Parcheesi, Mastermind and Stratego). But I'm pretty sure this one always reigned supreme. All I really know is that I
have A LOT of Rummikub game plays under my belt.
I especially love (and sometimes hate) the many possible combinations of sets and
runs and the constant re-arranging of the tiles. It’s super puzzle-y and gives
the brain a good workout!
Ahh, our most played game of 2020. We played it 113 times in May alone. It must
go on this list. Many of the older, “classic” games of my childhood didn’t age
well for me – they really pale in comparison to the games they make now. But Yahtzee
is one that still holds our attention (clearly). In my opinion, it’s definitely
one of the best classics! And I don’t think it’s just the reminiscent factor – Yahtzee
just passes the test of time for me. Plus it’s probably the reason I love dice
games so much. It’s a super quick, dice
rolling game of probability!
Because really, who can compile a list of games in 2020 and not include
Pandemic?? (and also I wasn’t going to stop at 13!) This is another cooperative game that actually
has near identical mechanics to Forbidden Island (the actions you take, the
routine of a turn, etc.), so if you've played that one, this one will feel like a familiar friend. But with a a more intense theme (or is that just 2020
talking) and bigger scope (you have to travel all over the world, whereas
traveling in Forbidden Island is much simpler), you may find that this "familiar friend" is not quite as friendly. Essentially, it’s just a much
bigger challenge for us. We don’t get this one out a ton, but it’s always
enjoyable when we do. Even though we lose more than we win.
Okay I couldn’t stop at 10 – but I’ll end here.
I also didn’t add card games because that would just really
complicate things.
But for the sake of not leaving them out I’ll add::
Five Crowns (my favorite for YEARS) – and I once played a game with a score of 0! (which yes, it was a check off of my bucketlist).
SET (another classic). I used to be really good, but I am definitely losing my touch.
6 Nimmt. It's super quick, super simple, but not boring. A real winner here.
SkyJo. Yes, it is just the classic game golf with a few twists, so you don't
need the game. I still love it though. And sometimes having a physical card game reminds you to play it more.
I mean, I also have Play Nine which is also just the game of golf with slightly different twists than Skyjo. I just keep Play Nine in my car for when on-the-road game emergencies emerge.
The Game. It's fun, yet maddening, yet always keeps you coming back for more. We always think we're really bombing it and then when we get to the end we're always closer than we thought.
This one also has a great solo variation.
Cover Your Assets. Grandpa Beck always has the best instructions that make you want to laugh out loud. This one is best with 3+ players and leaves lots of room for strategy, stealing and fun.
Skip Bo. How many times can I say, sometimes simple is best!
I left some real gems off of this list, so I may
have to make this a regular thing (I love a good list!).
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